Border Branding for Mexican Cuisine

Arkive© was commissioned by the owners of the renowned Mexican restaurant, El Farolito to develop the brand and concept of a new restaurant, to be located in San Antonio, Texas which preserved the recipes and flavors from over 50 years of tradition.

The proposed names were “Delfina”, “Carmen” and “La Taquería”. This last one pointed to be the obvious choice to work on, as it clearly depicted both the nature of the place and the identity of many people from Latin-American origins who could felt identified with the spanish word and its meaning. Adding the article “The” also seemed to help stating the authority that El Farolito has gained throughout three generations of cooking Mexican dishes equally for locals and tourists in Mexico City.

A complete selection of materials were developed, from stationaries to napkins, signage and magazine ads.

The project completed in late 2012.


Construction of Logotype


Color testing


Magazine Ad






Poster 1


Poster 2


Wearable goods


Hard cardboard business cards


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